
5 weeks pregnant - first trip to the ER

Hello everyone! So today I am actually 5w6d days pregnant and almost missed my 5 week updated, because it has been quite the eventful week. I almost didn't post anything because I didn't want to jinx myself...but here is what happened. On Thursday (5w2d pregnant), I started to have the tiniest bit of literally one drop of light pink when I wiped...I know that some spotting is normal, so tried to calm myself down. That didn't work and I continued to be a crazy wreck that whole night. The next day, I started to have some dark brown discharge...again not a lot, but some. From everything that I have read, dark brown means  old blood, so again tried not to let myself worry. The next day, same thing but a little bit more of the dark brown. At this point, I had read about 10 hours of articles about miscarriages and read so many different women talking about how their miscarriages started with brown discharge progressing to bright red blood and then severe crampin

4 weeks pregnant

I am 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant today! I thought it was too early to have symptoms, but boy was I wrong! My major symptoms this week are nausea, body aches, getting full quickly, major bloat, and my lovely new symptom of diarrhea today. My boobs are also hurting and feel way bigger, even though I don't know if they actually are. I am craving CARBS... yesterday, I made sarath go drive 10 miles to get me this specific mac and cheese from noodles & company...oops. lol I am also craving strawberry milkshakes, which I have forced myself to make at home, because at least that takes some energy to make haha. I am still cautiously excited because I know so much can go wrong still this early, but I did buy some fun things this the Oh Baby Board below. I also bought this awesome pregnancy journal called "The Belly Book" which allows you to document every week...its adorable. I have also started to look up nursery ideas, but don't want to get ahead of myself u

I can't believe it, but....We are pregnant!

I am truly shocked that this happened so quickly, but with so much excitement, I am so happy to type that we are pregnant! I found out last night after coming home from a week long vacation to the Grand Canyon and Lake Havasu. My LMP started 5/2. My hubby S got me an Ava fertility tracking bracelet for my Birthday on May 12, so we were starting to track my cycle for a few days before it said I was in my peak window.. I never in a million years thought this would happen for us so quickly. I was incredibly anxious about the chances of being infertile, even though I didn't really have a huge reason to be so concerned. Anyways, I took my first pregnancy test yesterday 5/26 in the afternoon while my hubby was sitting by the TV watching the Warriors game. I wasn't even going to take one, but did it on a whim while I was going to the bathroom anyways. When I saw the faint two pink lines within a few seconds after using the stick, I let out an "omg omg omg" to myself. I cou
Greetings and welcome to my new blog site! My name is Kailyne. I am 29 years old (about to turn 30 in 6 days *gulp*). I am married to a wonderful man named Sarath. We have a perfect little doggy boy named Rupert. I am a pediatrician in my last two months of my pediatric residency and S is in his last 14 months of his surgical residency. We live in an adorable town home in Orange County (Southern California). After being together for almost 11 years, married for almost 2 years, we are finally ready to take the next step - trying to have a baby.  This is a time of the unknown. I am the type of person that always likes to be prepared. Throughout my time in undergrad at UCLA, medical school in Michigan, and in residency, I have learned that preparation and hard work can lead to accomplishing any goal. However, when it comes to having a baby, it really doesn't matter how much you plan, because it just takes time and luck. Yes, I am starting to cycle track and I'm taking my prenat